Did you know that regularly brushing your pets teeth and providing them with a healthy diet and plenty of chew toys can go a long way toward keeping their mouth healthy?  Many dogs and cats show signs of gum disease by the time they’re four years old because they aren’t provided with proper mouth care — and bad breath is often the first sign of a problem.  Give your dog regular home checks and follow the tips below, and you’ll have a very contented pet with a dazzling smile.

1. The Breath Test

Sniff your pets breath.  Not a field of lilies?  That’s okay — normal breath isn’t particularly fresh-smelling.  However, if their breath is especially offensive and is accompanied by a loss of appetite, vomiting or excessive drinking or urinating, it’s a good idea to take your animal to the vet.

2. Regular Teeth Check

Once a week, with your pet facing you, lift his/her lips and examine his gums and teeth.  The gums should be pink, not white or red, and should show no signs of swelling.  The teeth should be clean, without any brown tartar.

3. Signs of Oral Disease

The following are signs that your dog/cat may have a problem in his/her mouth or gastrointestinal system and should be checked by a veterinarian:

  • Bad breath
  • Excessive drooling
  • Inflamed gums
  • Tumors in the gums
  • Cysts under the tongue
  • Loose teeth


4. Tooth Decay

Bacteria and plaque-forming foods can cause build-up on a pets teeth.  This can harden into tartar, potentially causing gingivitis, receeding gums and tooth loss.  One solution?  Regular teeth cleaning!

5. Canine Tooth-Brushing Kit

Get yourself a toothbrush made especially for pets (or a soft infant toothbrush will work)  or a clean piece of soft gauze to wrap around your finger.  Ask your vet for a toothpaste made especially for pets or make a paste out of baking soda and water.  Never use fluoride with dogs under six months of age — it can interfere with their enamel formation.  And please do not use human toothpaste, as this which can irritate a dog’s stomach.  It can be especially toxic if it contains Xylitol, which can cause kidney damage.  Special mouthwash for dogs is also available.

6. Brightening the Pearly Whites

Taking these steps will make brushing a lot easier for the both of you:

  • First get your pet used to the idea of having their teeth brushed.  Massage the lips with your finger in a circular motion for 30 to 60 seconds once or twice a day for a few weeks.  Then move on to the teeth and gums.
  • When your pet seems comfortable being touched this way, put a little bit of pet-formulated toothpaste or a paste of baking soda and water on their lips to get her used to the taste.
  • Next, introduce a toothbrush — it should be smaller than an adult human toothbrush and have softer bristles.  Toothbrushes that you can wear over your finger (or a clean piece of gauze) are also available and allow you to massage the gums.
  • Finally, apply the toothpaste to the teeth for a gentle brushing.
  • A veterinary exam beforehand may be helpful to find out if your animals gums are inflammed. If your pet has mild gingivitis, brushing too hard can hurt the gums.

7. Brushing Technique

Yes, there is actually a technique!  Place the brush or your gauze-wrapped finger at a 45-degree angle to the teeth and clean in small, circular motions.  Work on one area of the mouth at a time, lifting the lip as necessary.  The side of the tooth that touches the cheek usually has the most tartar, and giving a final downward stroke can help to remove it.  If your dog resists having the inner surfaces of her teeth cleaned, don’t fight it — only a small amount of tartar accumulates there.  Once you get the technique down, go for a brushing two or three times a week.

The Following videos are a fantastic resource for learning changes to look out for and how to brush:

8. Know Your Mouth Disorders

Getting familiar with the possible mouth problems your dog may encounter will help you determine when it’s time to see a vet about treatment:

  • Periodontal disease is a painful infection between the tooth and the gum that can result in tooth loss and spread infection to the rest of the body.  Signs are loose teeth, bad breath, tooth pain, sneezing and nasal discharge.
  • Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums caused mainly by accumulation of plaque, tartar and disease-producing bacteria above and below the gum line.  Signs include bleeding, red, swollen gums and bad breath. It is reversible with regular teeth cleanings.
  • Halitosis—or bad breath—can be the first sign of a mouth problem and is caused by bacteria growing from food particles caught between the teeth or by gum infection.  Regular tooth-brushings are a great solution.
  • Swollen gums develop when tartar builds up and food gets stuck between the teeth.  Regularly brushing your pets teeth at home and getting annual cleanings at the vet can prevent tartar and gingivitis.
  • Proliferating gum disease occurs when the gum grows over the teeth and must be treated to avoid gum infection.  An inherited condition common to boxers and bull terriers, it can be treated with antibiotics.
  • Mouth tumors appear as lumps in the gums.  Some are malignant and must be surgically removed.
  • Salivary cysts look like large, fluid-filled blisters under the tongue, but can also develop near the corners of the jaw.  They require drainage, and the damaged saliva gland must be removed.
  • Canine distemper teeth can occur if a dog had distemper as a puppy.  Adult teeth can appear looking eroded and can often decay.  As damage is permanent, decayed teeth should be removed by a vet.

9. Chew on This

Chew toys can satisfy your dog’s natural desire to chomp, while making his teeth strong. Gnawing on a chew toy can also help massage his gums and help keep his teeth clean by scraping away soft tartar. Gnawing also reduces your dog’s overall stress level, prevents boredom and gives him an appropriate outlet for his natural need to chew.

10. Diet for Healthy Teeth

Ask your vet about a specially formulated dry food that can slow down the formation of plaque and tartar. Also, avoid feeding your pet table scraps, instead giving them treats that are specially formulated to keep canine teeth healthy.